Having been on her own healing journey for over 30 years, Kim Beekman has overcome the effects of her childhood trauma. Overcoming depression and an eating disorder by 15, and living on her own by 16, she was independent and fully on her healing path at a young age.
In college, Kim continued talk therapy, studied psychology, interned at psychiatric hospitals, and ran peer eating disorder support groups. She began working for the Catholic Church as a Eucharistic Minister and Director of Programs, gathering spiritual community, creating interfaith groups, and working on distilling religion into spirituality. She entered graduate school—Master of Public Administration at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University— with an intention of eventually revamping the mental health system, which she witnessed breaking down in the 1990s when insurance companies started dictating mental healthcare. During her time in graduate school, she discovered the law of attraction, and attracted her husband (and later, her children), and a deeper expression of her healing process through her 20s. While acting as a Management Consultant for government, non-profits and NGOs (such as the International Monetary Fund, US Dept of Labor, NY Cybersecurity, etc), Kim honed the skills of strategic planning, business process reengineering, and performance measurement in her 15 year professional career as her spiritual awakening unfolded.
In her 30s and 40s, Kim became a yoga and meditation teacher and a trainer (500hr E-RYT). She deepened her study of spirituality through Yogananda’s system of meditation (Kriya Yoga), Transcendental Meditation (TM®), the connection to the Divine Light and Sacred Fire, and the deeper understanding of layers of the body and chakras. Additional study of Ayurveda at the Sivananda Ashram opened her to developing expertise in Ayurvedic Psychology as she became an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. Study of Shamanism and other healing systems followed.
Kim's Journey
Even with all the education and training, the most profound teachings came when she started sitting with people to do law of attraction sessions. Upon seeing people repeat the same pattern over and over (e.g., manifest something wonderful and then lose it through self-sabotage), she started begging the Divine to reveal the deeper healing process. Through continued attempts, she was shown how to access trauma packets, heal them, and bridge spiritual consciousness to the old wounded spaces. After about 250 sessions, the process for healing became clear. Through trial and error, she realized that the trauma packet work must be sustained over two months, revealing the necessity of incorporating the neuroscience of healing into the system, held in place by a sacred container built through a loving team.
After an additional 500 sessions, the process became standardized and repeatable. She started to train others in this reproducible modality so they too could create a healing experience for clients. To her delight, with the Divine’s help, she was able to develop a comprehensive Inner Alignment System:
Level 1 Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval for Healing Childhood Trauma,
Level 2 Inner Alignment Coach Certification, and
Level 3 Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval Healer Certification.
And her co-creative healing team serves as the foundation for her organization’s impact in the world.
Kim’s ultimate vision is to implement this system worldwide. By training every awakened healer on the front lines of the mental health crisis, she hopes to shift the face of mental healthcare in our communities.